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Welcome to Ecosceptor! An energy efficiency & performance research company.


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 E cosceptor's endeavor is to provide the general population with the information and tools needed to get the most combustion efficiency out of the Internal Combustion Engine (ICEs).  Combustion efficiency means more mileage per gallon, more power per volume of fuel used and less harmful emissions released to the environment.  With our information and products, you will be able to harness the efficiency that your engine is already capable get more bang for your buck.  You will also be able to conduct your own research in order to provide empirical data to the ICE efficiency research community.  While our origins trace back to enhancing Internal Combustion Engines (ICEs), our vision is to expand our horizons to find any and all solutions for the modern world.     


From informational products to high performance and fuel economy automotive products. We are determined to bring the most innovative technologies to the world! 


Please check out our electronic library to acquire wonderful information to stimulate your intellectual capacity and to satisfy your scientific and engineering needs.


We also provide technical expertise as consultants to any entrepreneur in the automotive industry. Our field of expertise is creating more power using less fuel in the internal combustion engine.


We are excited to partner with passionate companies and organizations from around the world. Find out more about our current vendors or feel free to contact us if you would be interested in becoming one yourself!


Fuel Economy Cups & Mugs

Quench your thirst for fuel economy with a custom mug or cup.

Fuel Economy Bumper Stickers

A variety of fuel economy bumper stickers for your vehicles.

Fuel Economy Hats & Bags

Covers for your head and bags for your stuff.

Fuel Economy Shirts, Jackets, etc.

View an assortment of fuel economy shirts, jackets and more.